
Launceston Carnival

Saturday 11th October 2025

Health and Safety

  Launceston Carnival Takes Health and Safety extremely seriously. Health and Safety Information Sheet will be available to download from the Health and Safety page.

Carnival Day


  The carnival procession leaves Newport Industrial Estate at 7:00pm (Point A) and follows the route marked by the blue line on the map heading towards the town centre (Point B).



 Below is the list of classes for this years carnival. Please use the register this year page to download the entry forms.

Class Entered

Money prizes will be awarded to classes 1-11 inclusive

Trophies will be presented for:  Best Decorated, Best Illuminated and Best Original

Trophy + £125.00 will be presented for:  Best in Carnival

Youth Council Trophy for the best children's entry

Assemble at Newport Ind. Est. from 4pm; judging will be at 5pm Carnival Procession leaves at 7.00pm. All floats should be open for viewing from both sides wherever possible

Maximum vehicle height: 11ft (3.35m)

Any vehicles that exceed this height will not fit through Southgate Arch, which is part of the Carnival route and therefore will not be permitted to take part in the procession. 

N.B. Children on floats must be seated and strapped in.

Safety rails/ropes must be on all floats to prevent persons falling.

Trailers are to have a least one person walking beside during the procession.

Total alcohol ban on all floats.

Only official Carnival collecting buckets to be used. Unofficial buckets will be removed. (By law only persons over the age of 16 are permitted to collect).


Dave Gordon: Chairman 01566 774706

Nigel Cowling: Vice Chairman

Zara Allebone: Secretary

Julie Cowling: Treasurer

Donna Ronan: Royalty Secretary

Claire Bader: Safeguarding

Sharon Horsington: General Committee

We welcome new members onto the committee, if you are interested please contact any member of the existing committee.

Contact Us:


Click the button below to find out how you can sponsor the carnival or make a small donation.


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